Method 1 of 2: Using the Web Interface

  1. Start Using Dropbox Step 1 Version 3.jpg
    When you arrive at, here is what you'll see:
  2. Start Using Dropbox Step 2 Version 3.jpg
    Jump right in by creating your very own Dropbox account. Fill it out with your name and valid email address. Use a strong password to ensure the security of your Dropbox. After providing all required details, click the 'Sign Up' button.
    • If your registration is successful, you'll then be directed to the Web Interface of your Dropbox. It looks something like this:
    • Now that you have a Dropbox account, here's how to share files.
  3. Start Using Dropbox Step 3 Version 3.jpg
    Click the 'Share a Folder.' button.
  4. Start Using Dropbox Step 4 Version 3.jpg
    You'll then be asked if you want to create a new shared folder or share an existing one. A shared folder automatically appears in the Dropbox of the person you want to share it with. Choose the option to create a new shared folder and give it a name. Then click 'Next.'
  5. Start Using Dropbox Step 5 Version 3.jpg
    You'll arrive at a page with two text fields. In the top field you can place the email address of the person you want to share your folder with. The bottom text field is for an optional message to the person. When you're done accomplishing the text fields, click the 'Share Folder' button.
  6. Start Using Dropbox Step 6 Version 3.jpg
    If all goes well the next page you will see is your newly created shared folder. Time to upload some files!
  7. Start Using Dropbox Step 7 Version 3.jpg
    To upload a file, click the 'Upload' button.
  8. Start Using Dropbox Step 8 Version 3.jpg
    Then on the menu that appears click 'Choose Files.'
  9. Start Using Dropbox Step 9 Version 3.jpg
    A window pops up. Go to the directory where the file you want to share resides. Highlight it and then the 'Open' button.
  10. Start Using Dropbox Step 10 Version 3.jpg
    You will be taken back to the upload menu where a progress bar appears and automatically uploads your file. Here you can choose to upload more files.
    • Once the upload finishes the file should be visible inside the shared folder. All done!


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